Why Is Game Reviews All Over the Place?

In the ongoing #gamergate consumer rebel debate, more than often has the topic of game reviews came up. Many topics have been brought up, many people have spoken out about their opinions, yet how can we really know if a game review is fair and does it have any bearing on the quality of the game? I believe the answer to that question lies in the game reviewers themselves. If they say things that are unfavorable towards the games you are promoting, then they are not being honest. If they slant things, are highly critical, or are over-praising then they are not giving it honest representation.

game review

In the ongoing #gamergate battle, many issues have been brought up as to how game reviewers are often slanted, overly critical, or even simply not very informative. One thing that we need to keep in mind when reviewing video games, is that the reviewer is a human being just like the gamer that plays the game. They have their own thoughts, and even if they hold true facts about the game, they are not forced to say things due to personal gain, or pressure from marketing. It is the reviewer’s job to keep track of the game’s success or failure based solely on their own personal opinion, so it is imperative that a game review is well written, detailed, and most importantly; objective.

You see, the game review should not only tell you about the actual game itself, but it should also tell you about the overall quality of the game. So many gaming magazines and reviews fail in this aspect by not taking notes. You see, many gamers really do take notes and often take notes while playing. By doing this, it gives you a much better and deeper look at the game. And remember, there is much more to a gaming experience than just playing the game for thirty minutes or so. By taking notes while playing and giving proper attention to every little detail, you will be able to play much longer, and you will be able to play better!