20th Century Toy Market


20th Century Toy Market

Toys are an essential part of every child’s life. In America alone, children spend more than three hundred million hours playing toys. Toy production has increased dramatically through recent years, with the number of toys available increasing exponentially. There are many types of toys: toys for building, toys for decoration and toys for education. Many toys are also used for stimulation by children when they are alone, as well as being educational toys for children during group classes or as activity time.

A toy is a useful product that children use most of the time, although can also be sold to adults under specific circumstances. Playthings made during the 20th century are now considered collector’s items, since the toys of this period are no longer mass produced. Instead, toy makers are able to provide toys of a high level of functionality and beauty, and are able to do so in a manner that does not require the same amount of materials that toys of the past required.

The toy market of today is much more flexible than was even possible during the 20th century, when there was little opportunity for creativity or innovation. There were only a few toy manufacturers, and the costs of manufacturing them (such as a toy train that would take fifty hours to construct) was extremely high. Therefore, it was extremely difficult for a new toy to break into the market if it was to be successful. However, the combination of mass production and low prices has led to a situation where new toys are developed almost every year. The result is that we have toys available for all children, from infants to teenagers, and toys designed for all ages.